Core System of Tax Administration is one of tax reform project in business Process with commercial off the shelf information system with Tax Database rearrangement to achieve easy, robust, integrated, accurate, & Core System of Tax Administration reliable.
PSIAP Benefit
Tax Payer
- Tax Payer Account provided in portal
- Improved Service Quality
- Reduced Tax Objection & Appeal
- Reduced Tax Compliance cost collection
DJP Employee
- Integrated System
- Less manual worksheet/documentation
- Enhanced production
- Improved employee capabilites
DJP as Institution
- Strengthen trust & credibility
- Maintain accountability
- Improved Tax compliance
- Boost productivity
- Provide real-time data & validity
- Advanced job & function
Business Process Transformation
PSIAP Timeline
High Level Design Jan - Mar 2021General design of the business process, information system, & supporting infrastructur Such as networking & hardware. This general design then will followed with a detailed design.
Detailed Design April - Sept 2021In this phase, PSIAP team together with SI vendor design more advanced the process business, Information system, and also the necessary supporting infrastructure for developing & building the new DJP core system.
Build & Test Juny 2021 - April 2023Building & Testing phase consist of several activities such as creating core tax application modul & Testing activities. Testing activities including System test, Installation test, System Integration Test, and User Acceptance Test.
Deploy Juny 2023In the phase, the well developed core tax system will be roll out with a training provided beforehand. This is meant to preparing employees as the new user. .
Support Jan - Dec 2024Vendor System Integration will assist supporting services for the implementation until late 2024.
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