Jakarta Special Regional Tax Office and East Jakarta Regional Tax Office coordinated with the Rector of Bina Sarana Informatika University (UBSI) Dr. Ir. Mochammad Wahyudi, MM, M. Kom, M. Pd, IPU, ASEAN Eng. and the Head of the UBSI Tax Center Eka Dyah Setyaningsih, to establish the collaboration between Jakarta Special Regional Tax Office and UBSI in Tax Awareness Inclusion (Wednesday, 25/5).
Responding to the purpose of this audience, Eka, as the Head of the UBSI Tax Center, explained UBSI's openness in establishing better collaboration with Jakarta Special Regional Tax Office. Eka stated that UBSI Tax Center has been actively implementing tax awareness inclusion and anti-corruption campaigns on a scheduled basis. UBSI even received periodic DIKTI assessments regarding the implementation of these two activities. Even the tax awareness inclusion and anti-corruption campaigns have become a general compulsory course that all UBSI students must take.
Mochammad Wahyudi, Rector of UBSI, also expressed his hope in his speech to be able to synergize with the Directorate General of Taxation, especially with Jakarta Special Regional Tax Office in carrying out Tax Awareness Inclusion activities and other activities such as teaching practitioner activities and community service activities. Wahyudi added that UBSI welcomes this Tax Awareness Inclusion in student teaching and learning activities, because it can make teaching and learning activities more interactive.
Tax awareness inclusion is an education carried out by the Directorate General of Taxes to the public regarding tax awareness that is integrated and internalized in a part of the media or other activities carried out by third parties, which in this case is the UBSI Campus. The Tax Awareness Inclusion collaboration between Special Jakarta Regional Tax Office and UBSI can be carried out favorably with the full support of the East Jakarta Regional Tax Office.
Pewarta: Dita Sari Puspitarini |
Kontributor Foto: Ainur Rasyid |
Editor: Ainur Rasyid |
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