Pratama Kosambi Tax Service Office (KPP Pratama Kosambi) visited Foreign Investment One Tax Service Office (KPP PMA Satu) in Kalibata, Jakarta (Wednesday, 18/01). The purpose of the visit was to improve the quality of service to stakeholders and in the context of preparing for the Best Service Office and preparation for achieving the Integrity Zone for the Clean Serving Bureaucratic Region (ZI-WBBM).

This comparative study visit was attended by the Head of Office, Head of Internal Compliance and General Affairs Section, Head of Service Section, Head of Supervision III Section, Head of Supervision Section IV, Middle Tax Auditor Functional, Tax Educator Functional, Account Representative, and several executors.

KPP PMA Satu was chosen for the comparative study because it was the first winner of the Republic of Indonesia's Ministry of Finance Best Service Office Competition in 2021 and also won the title of Integrity Zone - Clean Area from Corruption (ZI-WBK) in 2020 and ZI-WBBM in 2022.

Head of KPP PMA Satu Oding Rifaldi opened this comparative study event by explaining the profile of the office and the innovations that had been carried out.

"The success of KPP PMA Satu in the Best Service Office Competition at the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia in 2021 and winning the ZI-WBBM in 2022 is the result of excellent collaboration of all employees and also stakeholders," said Oding Rifaldi.

“The achievements must be maintained and cared for. The work culture and facilities will continue to be maintained, and will even be further developed with subsequent innovations so that they are more beneficial for stakeholders," he added.

Furthermore, the Head of the General and Internal Compliance  Section of KPP PMA Satu Soedirman guided the field visit while explaining that the innovations carried out by KPP PMA Satu.

"The construction of the Flexible Working Space (FWS) and the Hall on the Rooftop of the sixth floor is one of the biggest works of KPP PMA One which has been emulated by other tax office and the benefits are felt by both employees and non-employees," said Soedirman.

"This hall and FWS are very useful for internal and external activities, for example for Morning Activity, In-house Training, counseling, recitation, even gymnastics, and other sports activities," he added

The Tax Educator Officer of KPP PMA Satu Puja Aldilla was also present to assist in the consulting and tax counseling section.

"Amid many tax administration application processes, the tax education team remains consistent in conducting education, both directly through tax classes and indirectly by optimizing social media," said Puja.

"Hopefully this comparative study can trigger creativity and innovation as well as learning for employees at KPP Pratama Kosambi so they can accomplish proud achievements like KPP PMA One," said Yudi Asmara Jaka Lelana as Head of KPP Pratama Kosambi while concluding the event.

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