In summary, the organizational structure of the Directorate General of Taxes can be divided into the head office and operational offices. The head office carries out the functions of policy formulation and technical standardization, analysis and development, as well as coaching and administrative support. The operational office carries out operational and/or technical support functions.
The Head Office of the Directorate General of Taxes consists of the Secretariat of the Directorate General, 14 directorate units, and 4 advisors to the director general of taxes (pengkaji)
Operational offices within the Directorate General of Taxes consist of Regional Tax Offices (Kanwil Ditjen Pajak); Tax Offices (KPP); Tax Service, Dissemination, and Consultant Offices (KP2KP); and the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT).
The UPT consists of Center for Taxation Data and Document Processing (PPDDP), Taxation Data and Documents Processing (KPDDP), and Information and Complaints Service Office (KLIP).
The number of operational offices can be broken down as follows:
- 34 Regional Tax Offices (Kantor Wilayah)
- 4 Large Taxpayers Tax Offices (KPP Wajib Pajak Besar)
- 9 Special Jakarta Tax Offices (KPP Khusus)
- 38 Medium Tax Payers Offices (KPP Madya)
- 301 Tax Offices (KPP Pratama)
- 204 Tax Counseling and Consultation Service Office (KP2KP)
- 4 Technical Implementation Unit (UPT)
A list of unit names and operational office addresses can be accessed via this link.
More details regarding the organizational structure of each type of office are as follows: