fish collector

Wednesday 1st November 2023, Fish Collector visited Denpasar Timur Tax Office as its debt began to close the due date.

The case began with the Tax Officer found out fish collector did the sales in 2021 with the amount around 21 Billion, yet there’s no return sheet nor the payment submitted until 2023.

Tax officer then continue to collecting all the evidence through the data basis and create the SP2DK in February 16Th 2023. The Taxpayer came to the tax office in March 3rd 2023 to clarify their sales and revenue. He then explained about the revenue he got, he said, “Perhaps it was only around 1% from the net sales.”

The officer said that after re-calculating the sales and business spending, the taxpayer had to pay around 75 million for 2021. He said, he just through some serious problem recently and need to take more time for paying the exact amount. He promised to pay in installment for 8 Months long until the end of 2023.

6 Months already passed by, it turns out the taxpayer only paid in April and May 2023 around 15 million. After found out about the things that happened, Tax Officer then sent a mail in terms to invite the taxpayer, and asked about the commitment already stated in March.

Taxpayer then visited the tax office in November 1st 2023 to say sorry for the late payment. It’s because the financial problem hits him so hard, and he faced devastating circumstances. After disscussion with around 1 hour long with the tax officer, taxpayer promised to fulfill their duty to complete the payment before the end of the year 2023 under any circumstances. As a concrete step, Tax officer made the report that stated what the taxpayer have already promised, and he then signed the report. He said thank you for the understanding and the chances that has been given once again to him.


Pewarta: Yoga Dwi Permana
Kontributor Foto: Yoga Dwi Permana
Editor: Amin Singgih Krisna Wardana

*)Konten yang terdapat pada halaman ini dapat disalin dan digunakan kembali untuk keperluan nonkomersial. Namun, kami berharap pengguna untuk mencantumkan sumber dari konten yang digunakan dengan cara menautkan kembali ke halaman asli. Semoga membantu.