This Pre-Qualification Announcement follows the previous announcement of this project through the General Procurement Plan Announcement (RUP) Number RUP- 1/MK.03/PA/2020. The Procurement of System Integrator for Core Tax Administration System is conducted by the Procurement Agent for the Procurement of System Integrator for the Core Tax Administration System (CTAS), on Jalan Jenderal Gatot Subroto Kav. 40-42, Jakarta 12190.
The Pre-Qualification Announcement is also published on the following websites:
- Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Finance -
- The Directorate General of Taxes -
- Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah (LKPP) -
- Global Tenders -
The Ministry of Finance intends to procure a system integrator through a competitive procurement process for a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)-based tax administration system which comprises, amongst other things, analysis and design, development, configuration, integration, installation, data migration, testing, deployment, support and maintenance for the Directorate General of Taxes.
The estimated service value is IDR 1,736,106,396,000.00, which is funded by the Budget Execution (Allotment) Document of the Working Unit of the Headquarters of the Directorate General of Taxes, Budget Years 2020-2024 (DIPA Satuan Kerja Kantor Pusat Direktorat Jenderal Pajak Tahun Anggaran 2020 s.d. 2024). This procurement was announced in the General Procurement Plan of the Procurement of Goods and/or Services for the Renewal of Tax Administration System (Rencana Umum Pengadaan Barang dan/atau Jasa untuk Pembaruan Sistem Administrasi Perpajakan) Number RUP- 1/MK.03/PA/2020 on 28 February 2020.
The procurement of the System Integrator for the CTAS will be implemented under the following specific legal framework:
- Presidential Regulation Number 40 of 2018 regarding the Renewal of the Core Tax Administration System;
- Minister of Finance Decree Number 109/PMK.03/2018 regarding the Procurement of Goods and/or Services for the Renewal of the Core Tax Administration System; and
- Minister of Finance Decree Number 56/PMK.03/2019 regarding the Procurement of an Information System for the Renewal of the Core Tax Administration System.
The procurement to select the System Integrator will include a Pre-Qualification process, followed by a two-stages Tender process. The winner will be selected through a competitive tender process from a pool of participants that meet the criteria set forth in the Qualification Document.
Through this Qualification, the Ministry of Finance invites interested parties to submit a Pre-Qualification Document in accordance with the Qualification Criteria set forth in the Qualification Document.
The annexes to the Qualification Document as well as the Bahasa Indonesia version of the Qualification Document is available upon request. The following annexes are available:
- Draft High-Level Requirements
- Indicative High-Level Roadmap
- Draft General and Special Conditions of Contract
Clarification and amendments regarding the Qualification Document and Pre- Qualification process will be available upon request.
The Request should consist of the following required information: Company Name, Company Address, Contact Person Name, Email Address, and telephone Contact Number; and should be sent to the following email address:
Once the Procurement Agent receives your request with the required information, they will send an acknowledgment email of your request and will send the additional information related to the procurement of Core Tax Administration System (the Annexes and/or the Bahasa Indonesia version of the Qualification Document) the following working day by email. With the submission and acknowledgment of your request, clarifications and amendments regarding the Qualification process will be sent to the registered contact person and email address as well. If the Participant wishes to receive clarifications and amendments regarding the Qualification process only this should be specifically requested and the request should be sent to the above-mentioned email address.
The Qualification Criteria are comprised of eligibility, history of contract execution, financial, and experience aspects. These Qualification Criteria are designed to enable the Ministry of Finance to select qualified Participants who can demonstrate a proven track record and have the ability to amongst others analyze and design, develop, configure, integrate, install, migrate data, test, deploy, support and maintain a Core Tax Administration System. Only Participants who pass the Pre-Qualification will be invited to participate in the Tender.
Date: 9 March 2020
Procurement Agent for the Procurement of System Integrator for Core Tax Administration System
- 2790 kali dilihat