As a form of appreciation to the participants who passed the Taxation Call for Paper 2022, DGT in collaboration with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) will organise the International Tax Conference 2022 which is the culmination of call for paper agendas with the main event will be attended by the Generale Director of Taxation, speakers from ATO, GIZ and from internal DGT. In the main event of International Tax Conference 2022 will also be announced the winner of the Taxation Call for Paper 2022.
More than 200 applicants and 172 papers submitted to Taxation Call for Paper 2022. After having several stages of feasibility and substantive assessments by editors and reviewers from both internal and external DGT, 35 best papers are chosen to be presented in the Parallel Session.
Starting the series of International Tax Conference 2022 event on Monday, December 5th, 2022, the 35 best papers will be presented in a parallel session. This parallel session will be held online via Zoom Meeting and open for public. Participant registration opens from November 23rd until December 2nd, 2022 through s.id/IntTaxConference and select the role as "audience" for free. Participants will get an e-certificate.
In this parallel session, the author will present research results and case studies based on their paper. Each presentation duration is 25 minutes, consists of 10 minutes of presentation and 15 minutes of questions and answers discussion. Seven paper presentations are grouped together in one session room.
Session room distribution below:
No. |
Author 1 |
Author 2 |
Author 3 |
Author 4 |
Author 5 |
1 |
Determinants of Tax Morale (Empirical Study on MSME in Java) |
Rama Daneshwara |
Riko Riandoko |
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2 |
Koreksi Kebijakan Harga Transfer Domestik Sebuah Zero-Sum-Game Penerimaan Pajak Nasional? Studi Kasus KPP Pratama di Wilayah DKI Jakarta |
Fajar Surya Putra |
Yeni Farida |
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3 |
Indonesia's Tax Revenue: Is It Sustainable and a Good Automatic Stabilizer? |
Delecia Brilliantyas Bungabangsa |
Benny Gunawan Ardiansyah |
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4 |
Exit Tax Adoption to Protect Indonesia’s Tax Base: Are We Ready? |
Septian Fachrizal |
Iva Unnaiza Hanum |
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5 |
Does Government Effectiveness Moderate the Relationship Between Regulatory Quality and Tax Complexity?: A Tale of A Hundred Nations |
Muhammad Dahlan |
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6 |
Rekonstruksi Konsep Makna Kehadiran Fisik BUT |
I Nyoman Darmayasa |
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7 |
Review of the Employee Performance Evaluation System at the Directorate General of Taxes: Its Effectiveness and Employee Satisfaction Level |
Anies Said Basalamah |
Herru Widiatmanti |
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No. |
Author 1 |
Author 2 |
Author 3 |
Author 4 |
Author 5 |
1 |
Okuns Law, Phillips Curve Serta Pengaruhnya Terhadap Pertumbuhan Pembayaran PPh Pasal 21 di Masa Pandemi |
Galih Ardin |
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2 |
Do Operational Risks and Credit Risks Make Banks More Aggressive to Avoid Taxes? Empirical Study of Banking Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange |
Muhammad Shohihul Wahyu Muzakki |
Nafis Dwi Kartiko |
Lazuardi Widyanto Pratama |
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3 |
Tax Amnesty Amidst the Coronavirus Pandemic in Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines: A Comparative Analysis |
Rosa Vanda Melania |
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4 |
Taxation, Digital Financial Services, and Their Impacts on Financial Inclusion |
Ariza Ayu Ramadhani |
Citra Handayani Nasruddin |
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5 |
Natural Language Processing Analysis of Appeal Decisions in Transfer Pricing Tax Disputes in Indonesia |
Ananda Anggara |
Reza Darmawan |
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6 |
Predicting Firms’ Taxpaying Behaviour Using Artificial Neural Networks: The Case of Indonesia |
Arifin Rosid |
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7 |
Pengaruh Persepsi Kepuasan dan Kepentingan Terhadap Tindak Lanjut Data Pemicu Approweb: Sebuah Kajian Empiris Berbasis Data Administratif |
Galih Ardin |
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No. |
Author 1 |
Author 2 |
Author 3 |
Author 4 |
Author 5 |
1 |
Penerapan Data Mining Terhadap Wajib Pajak Penerbit Faktur Pajak Tidak Sah Menggunakan Teknik Classification |
Yusrifaizal Gumilar Winata |
Fauziah Noor |
Muhammad Futhra Bahar |
Aris Budi Santoso |
Eddy Sukarno |
2 |
A Sustainable Approach on Tax Audit Inspection: How Tax Aggressive Strategies Can Be Detected from Fee of Independent Auditor |
Rachmad Miftachul A |
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3 |
Pengaruh Kualitas Penetapan Pajak, Surat Teguran, dan Surat Paksa Terhadap Pencairan Tunggakan Pajak |
Rizki Puput Fathonah |
Nuramalia Hasanah |
Petrolis Nusa Perdana |
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4 |
Regresivitas PPh Final |
Muhamad Indrawan Yudha Prawira |
Leo Frans |
Rezki Destiana |
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5 |
Ketimpangan Gender dan Perpajakan: Analisis Data Panel dari 34 Propinsi di Indonesia |
Alamanda |
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6 |
The Impact of the Alternative Tax Base Measurement Policy on the Vat Revenue Performance in the Indonesian Agricultural Sector |
Singgih Priyogo |
Rus'an Nasrudin |
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7 |
Forecasting Value-Added Tax (Vat) Revenue Using Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (Arima) Box-Jenkins Method |
Muchamad Irham Fathoni |
Akbar Saputra |
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No. |
Author 1 |
Author 2 |
Author 3 |
Author 4 |
Author 5 |
1 |
Examining Firms’ Financing Options: Do Thin Capitalisation Rules Matter? |
Subagio Efendi |
Anis Anjala Widyanti |
Dinar Ayu Adeline |
Pramuji Handra Jadi |
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2 |
Tinjauan Aspek Perpajakan Atas Cash Pooling Berdasarkan Regulasi di Indonesia |
Benny Oktis Yanurwenda |
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3 |
Pengaruh Street Earnings Terhadap Penghindaran Pajak |
Yohana |
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4 |
Evaluasi Kebijakan Penurunan Tarif PPh Badan Menggunakan Pendekatan General Equilibrium dan Metode Degree of Self-Financing: Studi Kasus Indonesia |
Ryan Mohammad |
Helmi Zus Rizal |
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5 |
Using Data Mining to Detect Fraud Patterns from Taxpayer’s Financial Statement |
Achmad Ginanjar |
Agung Septia Wibowo |
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6 |
Pengukuran Usability Aplikasi E-Bupot Instansi Pemerintah |
Dwi Langgeng Santoso |
Mohammed Lintang Theodikta |
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7 |
Similarity Index Untuk Mengestimasi Reformasi Perpajakan dan Dampaknya Terhadap Penerimaan Pajak: Studi Kasus Indonesia |
Gede Satria Pujanggo, PG |
Dewa Made Cakrabuana Aristokra |
Ryan Mohammad |
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No. |
Author 1 |
Author 2 |
Author 3 |
Author 4 |
Author 5 |
1 |
Assessing Taxpayers Ability to Pay: A Machine Learning Approach |
Sukaryo |
Adi Marhadi |
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2 |
Pengaruh Pemahaman Pajak, Kesadaran Pajak Dan Relaksasi Pajak Terhadap Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 |
Christine Novita Dewi |
Steffy Madelen Priskila Pasaribu |
Dielanova Wynni Yuanita |
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3 |
Impact of Automotive Tax Incentives During Covid-19: Evidence from Indonesia |
Sukaryo |
Sigit Hariyanto |
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4 |
Menuju Seamless Taxation Melalui Mekanisme Split Payment pada Marketplace dan Quick Response (Qr) Payment System |
Handhung Dwi Nugroho |
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5 |
Persepsi Pegawai Atas Sistem Penilaian Kinerja Berdasar Peraturan Dirjen Pajak Tahun 2018: Seberapa Efektif dan Memuaskan? |
Herru Widiatmanti |
Anies Said Basalamah |
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6 |
Machine Learning: Classifiying Taxpayer’s Supervising Zone Based on the Street Address Using Natural Language Processing Algorithm |
Reno Iqbalsah |
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7 |
Self-Service Analytics dan Data Pipeline dalam Analitika Perpajakan |
Agung Darono |
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Participants can only choose one room to join the parallel session. The seats are limited so please register now soon!
For further information contact:
A'ziz 0858-7696-1252
Rima 0858-6781-4154