Embracing Tax Awareness Inclusion, Jakarta Special Regional Tax Foreign Investment Tax Office Five (KPP PMA Lima) conducted e-Objection Tax Classes in Two Days marathon on Tuesday, 30th of May 2023 and Wednesday, 31st of May 2023. These tax classes aimed to deepen the taxpayers’ comprehension about filing their objections through e-Objection, an online application provided by the Directorate General of Taxes and encourage taxpayers to start using e-Objection. To reach out more taxpayers, KPP PMA Lima announced these classes on its Instagram Account @PajakPMA5 and other social media platforms (Tuesday, 30/5). More than 50 taxpayers attended the tax class on the first day and thirty taxpayers attended on the second day.
The E-Objection Classes were delivered by the tax educator team which consisted of three officials: Yurnalis Ry, Arif Budi Yuono, and Moh Makhfal Nasirudin. Many taxpayers showed interest in using e-Objection as a new channel to submit their objections paperless, more effectively and efficiently.
Tax educator Moh Makhfal Nasirudin emphasized that “Directorate General of Taxes is a dynamic organization and focused on transforming its business process to provide better tax services. Therefore, e-Objection is offered as an alternative channel that will bring many benefits through its paperless submission and enable taxpayers to submit their objections anytime and anywhere.”
Pewarta : Nanik Retnaningtyas |
Kontributor Foto : Ester Ro Uli Siahaan |
Editor: Ester Ro Uli Siahaan |
*)Konten yang terdapat pada halaman ini dapat disalin dan digunakan kembali untuk keperluan nonkomersial. Namun, kami berharap pengguna untuk mencantumkan sumber dari konten yang digunakan dengan cara menautkan kembali ke halaman asli. Semoga membantu.